Friday, April 15, 2016

Day 14

Well I had no rain today! No sun either. But the Good Lord did put the wind at my back. My average speed today was 11.3 mph, when I considered having to walk a couple high rise bridges, I am okay with that.
Alabama roads continue to have the same problems as all the other states I have ridden through, a narrow bike lane that is half covered in sand or dirt and the other half full of road debree and the bridges are the worst!
I am surprised to look back at today and realize that I only stopped twice other than for the ferry. Not too bad for a 83.7 mile day. That makes my tally so far (big drum roll****) 949.9 miles
 NAS Pensacola
 Mobile Bay


  1. Doing awesome Momma! Keeper coming you are almost here!

  2. Praise God for the wind on your back and no rain and no flat tires...unless you didn't report them. Peddle on... with good weather and better roads ahead hopefully!

  3. I can't believe you've gotten so far! Keep it up!
