Thursday, April 14, 2016

A Day of reflection

The rain is continuous, unrelenting. It has never been on of my favorite things. But today it has given me time to reflect. This all started as a way to have the family reconnect. And for the most part that has succeed. Everyone agrees Granny is Crazy!!!
Well Crazy or Not, I have made 833 miles leaving me only 770 to go!!!!
Since I am stuck in a hotel for the day of rain, I thought I would see if I could remember a few of those nice people along the way that I have met and forgotten to mention.
First an interesting tidbit, I met a man, Walter Orr Scott, just in from the Ukraine, who just happens to be from Victoria, TX. Says he is heading there tomorrow. Just shows what a small world it really is.
Met, a nice man Darren Smith in Crestview, He emailed just to check and see if I made it ok.
I speak with people every day and unfortunately I have a very short memory and forget their names even before I can write them down.
I did find a few names that I have written down, Ashley in the Subway in Chatahoochee gave me a heads up on the road ahead.
Carol from Jessup Mobile Home Accessories, Jessup GA, who took me and my bike all the way to Blackshear.  Mr. William Wilson who waited at his bike shop for me, then took me to Waycross.
Mr. Wilson is something himself. He owns the bicycle repair shop. He is also on the volunteer Fire department/rescue squad and the county coroner!
Of course the gentlemen of Holmes County Road Department, who fixed my last flat. The second one on Tuesday. Thank you Roger Williams.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the good friends who have put me up for the night while I have been on the road and helped me each in their own way, Maria Peluyera(Mo), Caroline Poetzsch, Andrea and Josh Eubank and Lessie Carter.
If I didn't mention you Please, leave me a message. like I said I have a very short memory. By the end of the day riding, I am thinking of only three things, a hot bath to soak the tired muscles, food to fill the empty stomach and what I will write for you...
Refresh my memory I will not be offended and Please I hope you understand.

I will rest for the rest of the day, then start out stronger tomorrow.


  1. Well.... What an interesting read. As we are looking forward to seeing you in a day or so, reading your blog has helped me "catch up" on your Odyssey. I did not know about Clay. Your daughter really painted a wonderful picture a of a great kid, and the pitiful healthcare system we have here with the "exception of special and rare providers" who actually get what healthcare is supposed to be about. Been thinking about your trip and am glad to hear how it is coming along. I would Never be able to do what you are doing...�� Stay safe! See you in a few days.


    Have you seen this? Don't know if it would help with the flat tires, but it would help with the wind, rain, and cold...

  3. HI, NANCY!!!! It's so mind refreshing to read the stories that you have told on your blog. Maybe once you have completed your journey, you should think about writing a book. I am so glad to see that you are still pressing forward. I pray that God keeps you safe as you continue on on your journey. KEEP PUSHING FORWARD, YOU GOT THIS!!! PROUD OF YOU.

