Monday, April 4, 2016

Day Three

It has been a tough couple of days! Day Two started 4 miles into the ride with a flat. of course it had to be the back tire so I had to unload. I was pleased with myself. It was the first time I ever changed one. Unfortunately, the job that should have taken me 15 minutes took 2 hours. My left hand is alot weaker that I thought and it took me some time to get the leverage to get it back on, but I did!!!
After that I was 2 hours behind and had to make the Ferry at Fort Fisher. On time, I was going to be cutting it close. So I started pushing it. And I am talking really pushing it through the hills of New Hanover County! If it were not for Andi at Planet Fitness Havelock, yesterday would have been it for me. I pushed so hard that I moved my seat back by 2 inches.What stopped it from moving was my tent, thank goodness. I have also bruised my back from the straps on my seat! The good news is that while fixing my seat I realized that whom ever assembled my bike did it incorrectly. I moved the straps and hopefully will have no more problems.
Today was another day. Another cold start. But I was making good time not so bad now that the seat is adjusted right. Plus the land not quite so hilly. I get about half way to Myrtle Beach and don't you know, literally just as I pass an "Inmates working" sign.... another FLAT!!!!
Thank God for friends I had already called my friend Maria to bring me a spare tire and tubes. She is my stop for tonight. I was on the road long enough to get the picture. We loaded the bike and took it to the shop, again conveniently just 2 miles up the road. I thought I had done something wrong. Nope, he said the rim strip was bad. So had a good lunch and back on the road!
I am safe and sound in Myrtle Beach. Ready for a tub and dinner. not necessarily in that order.