My Ride

My Ride

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Rubber to the road.

Sunday was beautiful. I got a chance to get out of the gym and actually hit the road.  But first I had to put the cleats on my new shoes. I don't want to be doing that on the day or even week before I leave. It took about 3 trips around the neighborhood to get them positioned just right but once I did, I liked the shoes even more.
I did a nice steady ride. In 2 hours 36 minutes of ride time I went 27.7 miles. I am really content with that. especially when I remember how much wind there was.

I have a new horn for my bike too. It is an air horn and it scares my dogs so I don't honk it at home any more. I can definitely be heard with it.

I am still hitting the gym at least 5 days a week. I am enjoying it again too.

38 days is not that far off!

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