My Ride

My Ride

Thursday, February 4, 2016

When this all started a few years ago, I had been to Arlington Cemetery, Where my late husband is buried. I was having a tough time in my life, emotionally, physically and financially. On my way home, I got stuck on that parking lot called I-95! After getting frustrated, I took the first exit I could and got onto US-17. While I drove through the woods in Virginia, it struck me how beautiful this country of ours is. I found myself wishing I were riding my bicycle so I could really take the time to really see it and experience it. I also realized the US-17 went all the way home and beyond.
I am not sure where the exact idea to ride to Clay came to me or where it came from. I know I haven’t seen him or the rest of his family since September 2012. Women will always miss your grandkids but you miss your children even more… What I do know is somewhere during that 400 plus miles drive, I decided I would ride to TX to see Clay.

Over the past year 2years my sister(in-law) Annette Standiford has been with me in this process been my sounding board, confidant, support group and cheering section. She and my brother Terry were to be not only my support vehicle for the duration of my ride but also for sleeping quarters when necessary,  pulling their camper.

As with everything in life plans change. In November 2015 Annette was diagnosed with cancer and she continues to go through treatment today. She is in good spirits and has her own support groups now.

As life would have it my sister Claudia was diagnosed with cancer in August 2015. So with Clay’s permission, I am also adding a link to the American Cancer Society to my Blog page in honor of my Sisters, as well as other family members who are fighting their battles with cancer. We all pray that they continue to Win the fight!

As with everything in life event the best laid plans run into bumps in the road. Mine has been no different.  Now, I will be riding without a dedicated support vehicle. I am planning my route with that in mind. Checking and checking again just for safety’s sake.

I only have a few problems. I can’t see beyond my nose without my glasses. I have old fractures in my left hand that remind me regularly that they are there. There are migraines, kidney stones (they only hurt when they are moving), my neck has been repaired, my low back is worn out and my right knee has had surgery twice. I have approved leave from work, they will water my plants and feed my fish and my daughter Hanna is watching my dogs for me.

So you ask, why am I riding my bicycle to Texas?  Because I CAN! I have never been one to sit on the side lines and watch life pass me by. I will urge every one of you to do it. If you have the opportunity, whatever it may be, reach out and take life by the hand and go live it, ALL BECAUSE YOU CAN.

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